
Sunday, 7 October 2012

Quick List of Facts and Origin of Medical Astrology

Over time, the ancients blended the wisdom of the earth (the herbs) and the heavens (through the planets and astrological signs) in promoting healing and a natural state of balance, as the interconnectedness of nature was recognized.Only a few people had realized that our health can also be tracked in the stars. Astrology, the magical art, does not only predict our future but also help us in providing cures for our body's ailments. It is believed that each of the planets and astrological signs has particular areas of the body that they influence through their ruler-ship. This empirical tradition, which has become to be known as medical astrology, researched and promoted harmony between the energy patterns of humans, plants, elements, colors, planets and signs.Now, astrology had become to play an important part in traditional medical systems the world over.So here's a quick list of facts and origin of medical astrology.Medical Astrology: List of Facts and OriginMedical astrology (traditionally known as Iatromathematics) is an ancient medical system of horoscopes that associates various parts of the body, diseases, and drugs as being under the influence of the sun, moon, and planets, along with the twelve astrological signs.Medical astrology is said to determine from an individual's horoscope the state of health of body, mind and spirit.Astrology has been used for medical purposes since the time of the Chaldean priest-physicians of 2000-1000 BC and was used by those who founded and inspired our modern medicine of today.Medical astrology has very ancient roots but it reached its fullest flowering in Europe in the late medieval and early modern periods, c1450-1700.The influence of Medical astrology has also entered European medicine from the Arab countries.The Egyptians is believed to be considered to be the first to have used medical astrology. In fact, found on Egyptian hieroglyphs around 500 BC is a representation of the "Zodiac Man", illustrating the correspondence of body parts and systems for each Zodiac sign.the Greeks also believed in Medical astrology as seen with the work of its famous physicians:Hippocrates (460-377 BC), considered to be the Father of Modern Medicine and the source of the Hippocratic Oath all medical doctors pledge themselves to, was an accomplished astrologer and has been quoted as saying that a physician without knowledge of astrology had better "call himself a fool rather than a physician."Claudius Ptolemy (around 200 AD), perhaps the most famous Greek astrologer, was well-known to be practicing medical astrology. It was said that he emphasized the importance of studying the horoscope, as well as the chart drawn at the time of illness, to diagnose a medical case.Nicholas Culpepper, the famous herbalist who laid the foundations for herbal medicine, had also stated that treatment without the use of astrology is like "a lamp without oil."Medical Astrology is believed to enable us to work around the timing of diseases, or accidental injuries, or other health problems and to estimate the duration of any illness.Traditionally, natal transits (the birth chart compared to the current position of the zodiac and the planets) and horary astrology (hora = hour, a chart based solely on the current position of the zodiac and planets) are the most common astrological methods used in medical astrology.In medical astrology each of the seven planets is believed to provide their own unique influence towards the outcome of an illness, depending on the location of the planet in the zodiac.The twelve zodiac signs is said to represent certain aspects of the physical body, which include specific regions and one or more organs and their functions.The twelve signs is believed to cover the body from head (Aries) to toe (Pisces) because Aries is the first sign of the zodiac while Pisces is the last.The 12 Houses represent environmental or "mundane" influences or effects.Usually considered to be the primary indicator of the health of a male is the Sun, with the Moon being of secondary significance.For the female, the primary health indicator is the Moon, while the Sun is of secondary significance.Health issues in general are said to be largely governed by the sixth house and its planetary ruler, along with the ascendant and its planetary ruler in a nativity (personal birth chart).The Sixth House is also considered the most important House in a health related chart.In Medical astrology, the situation of the Sun and Moon are also significant, as are the placement of Saturn, which is said to be associated with chronic conditions and Mars for acute conditions.

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